VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

New pontoon on Barbican to mark Mayflower 400

15 Jun 2020

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners are delighted to welcome visitors and water users to their new pontoon at Commercial Wharf on the Barbican to celebrate Mayflower 400.

The Cattewater Harbour Commissioners (CHC), with support from Plymouth City Council, have installed a new dinghy pontoon on Commercial wharf, opening up access to the Barbican and city centre from the water.

Showing their support for Mayflower 400, CHC have responded to feedback from stakeholders and leisure users and installed this pontoon as a gift to the city.  It opens up the city to visiting leisure yachts as well as providing direct access to the Barbican for local leisure users who make use of the waters within the Cattewater.

When Covid -19 guidelines permit, visitors to Plymouth will be able to book one of the newly installed visitor moorings to the North of Mount Batten Breakwater, and tender ashore to the dinghy pontoon to visit the historic waterfront and its attractions, shop and make use of the many local restaurants and amenities.

Vessels less than 4m in length are welcome, the pontoon dries at low water so please check the tides before leaving your dinghy to go ashore. Social distancing guidelines should be adhered to when on the pontoon.

Speaking ahead of the pontoon’s opening, Cattewater Habour Master, Captain Richard Allan said:

“Cattewater Harbour Commissioners are delighted to be able to provide the city of Plymouth with this new seasonal pontoon. We believe it enhances the opportunities for the local community to make the most of the Cattewater Harbour, and the Plymouth Sound. It also provides an additional option for visiting yachts to easily access the city centre if they choose a mooring rather than a marina.”

“We take our historic role in the city very seriously and are pleased to be able to make another contribution to the Mayflower 400 legacy and the city of Plymouth. It made sense to us to enable easier access from the water for resident water users and visitors alike as our way of marking this important celebration, as well as helping local businesses who are reopening after  lockdown”

“We look forward to welcoming you to the pontoon in the future.”