We’re pleased to announce that we have joined Devon Mind’s Plymouth Harbour 10K as their new co-headline sponsor.
Speaking about the new sponsorship deal, Devon Mind’s Marketing & Fundraising Manager André Pusey commented:
“We are delighted to be partnering with the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners for our new 10K run around their iconic harbour! Their involvement adds a lot to the event in terms of expertise, support and authority, and we’re really excited about all the ideas they’ve already brought to the table for the run in October.”
Captain Richard Allan, CHC Harbour Master and Chief Executive, added:
“We look forward to working with Devon Mind to support their inaugural 10K run which will take in the interesting and historic Cattewater Harbour. Participants will get to see, and we hope understand further, the breadth and scope of the Cattewater, the importance of the commercial port to the city of Plymouth and the wider south west, and the work we do as Commissioners to support a busy trading port alongside local communities and the environment.”
You can find out more about the new Plymouth Harbour 10K and enter via https://runplymouthharbour.co.uk/events/10k