VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

Cattewater 150 Stakeholder Boat Trip

3 Jul 2024

To celebrate the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners’ 150th Anniversary, on Friday 5th July we would like to invite local businesses, commercial operators, water users and residents to join us on a boat trip.

The boat trip will depart the Barbican Landing Stage at 1400 until 1500 and take in the Cattewater and the wider dockyard port of Plymouth.

You will be joined by members of the Board, the Harbour Master and his team and learn more about the work of the Harbour Authority both on, and around the Cattewater, and the Pilotage Services provided in the busy dockyard port of Plymouth.

Numbers for this event are strictly limited.

To register your interest please email info@plymouthport.org.uk by Thursday 4th July 2024.