VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

Harbour Dues 2024/25

4 Apr 2024

Harbour Dues stickers have been sent to all vessel owners in or using the Cattewater; marina receptions are in receipt of all the plaques for the 2024/25 season ready to be handed out.

All vessels entering, using or leaving the Cattewater are required to pay Harbour Dues. This also includes vessels entering the Cattewater via public slipways.

Please display your Harbour Dues sticker clearly on your vessel so it can be easily identified by harbour staff who will be checking regularly through the year.

Harbour Dues are reinvested into the harbour through training, maintenance and other similar measures. The charges are ultimately for the conservation of the harbour and allow us to police it, as well as continue its upkeep and fulfill the many duties of a Harbour Authority.

Some of the work Harbour Dues help to fund include surveying and dredging, marking of navigational channels, environmental duties, harbour patrols and enforcement.

Exemptions from Harbour Dues:

  • Vessels having no means of propulsion other than oars or sails
  • Vessels up to 3m in length which are equipped with motors of 5 b.h.p or less
  • Vessels used as a tender, not exceeding 4m in length, provided the owner has paid harbour dues on the parent vessel

Please contact us to pay your Harbour Dues before going afloat.