VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

Supporting our Community

Cattewater Harbour, as one of the UK’s Trust Ports, aims to support our local community as much as possible, from staff members volunteering with organisations or at events, to providing our marine assets to assist with environmental works or providing financial support for local projects.

Over recent years, the harbour commissioners are proud to have supported a wide ranging nature of projects, including:

  • Providing our workboat Plym Catte to the Ocean Conservation Trusts’ Seagrass Restoration project in Plymouth Sound.
  • Financial support for Wave After Wave and Making Waves Together projects.
  • Using our maritime expertise and assets to support Plymouth City Council in the deployment of Swimming Pontoons at the dedicated swim areas in the port, used by the local community to encourage safe use of our waterways.
  • Allow staff members to volunteer for the RNLI.

Application for Financial Support

The Harbour Commissioners accept applications for funding to support projects that take place within, or benefit the users of Cattewater Harbour. Applicants should ensure that their project conforms to the Cattewater Harbour Commissioners’ Community Benefit Policy before completing the below application form. Applications will be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners at their monthly meetings.