VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

Harbour Dues

All vessels using the harbour are liable to pay an annual harbour due, to help fund essential services in the harbour.

Harbour dues help fund essential works in the harbour, to allow the Cattewater Harbour to fulfil its duties as a Statutory Harbour Authority. Leisure Dues are paid annually, covering the period from 1st April to 31st March. Pro-Rata leisure dues are not available.
Commercial customers are also liable for harbour dues and should contact us to discuss.

Visitor Mooring prices include harbour dues for the duration of your stay with us, however should you return later in the year and not use a visitor mooring, normal charges will apply. For our annual mooring customers, you will see Harbour Dues itemised on your annual invoice so are not required to make an additional payment.

What do Harbour Dues pay for?

Take a look below at the essential services the Cattewater Harbour is able to provide with the funds collected from harbour dues.



Ensuring the smooth running of the harbour

Harbour Patrol

Providing advice and assistance to mariners

Removing Hazards

Removing hazards to navigation to ensure the harbour is safe to use.


Keeping moorings safe and secure for vessels, along with maintaining navigation aids and other essential equipment.

Training & development

Contributing to safe and efficient port operations

Please contact us for more information regarding harbour dues.

Pay your Harbour Dues online