VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

General Policy Statement

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners will ensure that the harbour is operated efficiently and safely so as to safeguard the harbour, its users, the public and the environment.  It is committed to performing all of its duties and responsibilities in a safe and efficient manner.

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners will comply with all legal requirements and aims to meet the national requirements of  the Port Marine Safety Code and to heed the guidance in the Guide to Good Practice on Port Marine Operations.  The functions of the Commissioners will be conducted openly and transparently and will be in the overall long-term interests of the harbour’s stakeholders and beneficiaries. In fulfilling its duties the Commissioners are committed:    

  • To ensuring so far as reasonably practical the safety of all those that use and work in the harbour.
  • To preserving the environment and maintaining approved pollution prevention and nature conservation measures.
  • To facilitating the safety of navigation in the harbour and its approaches together with safeguarding the navigational access to and from the harbour.
  • To the provision and maintenance of viable harbour facilities. 
  • To actively support the aims and objectives of The Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum.
  • To providing an efficient pilotage service.
  • To regulating the activities of all those that use the harbour and ensuring the applicable laws are enforced whenever appropriate.
  • To formally review the Harbour Authority’s plans, policies and procedures at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

With respect to the requirement in Clause 17 of the Cattewater Harbour Revision (Constitution) Order 2005 (Advisory Bodies), the Commissioners have adopted the Port of Plymouth Marine Liaison Committee (P.P.M.L.C.) as their Advisory Body.