VTS:VHF 14 "Plymouth VTS"

Byelaws and Code of Conduct

There are various pieces of legislation that govern the waterways of the Cattewater, and the wider port. All water users must follow local legislation to ensure all water users can use the waterways safely.

The below codes and legislation govern the waters of the Dockyard Port of Plymouth.

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for all water users of the Cattewater.

Stand Up Paddleboarding Code of Conduct

A specific code for Stand Up Paddleboard use in the Cattewater.

Dockyard Port of Plymouth Order 2020

The dockyard port order is the governing legislation for the whole Dockyard Port of Plymouth.

Cattewater Harbour Revision Order 20[XX]

The Cattewater Harbour Revision Order is currently out for public consultation.