Masterplan Overview

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners Masterplan Overview

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners are undertaking a strategic review of current and future port operations, activities and developments. We have commissioned a series of studies to help us frame our issues and options so that we can define our path forwards in collaboration with our stakeholders. Coinciding with our 150-year anniversary in August 2024 we are launching a public consultation on our aspirations for stakeholders to consider and contribute to proposals. 

How we got to this point:

We are developing our first ever Masterplan Overview. We started this process by framing our current and future risks through initial stakeholder interviews initiated April 2023 which were followed by two stakeholder workshops held in October and November 2023 where we welcomed over thirty visitors. In total twenty organisations were involved in the interviews and workshops.

What next:

We are now moving to the public consultation phase where our draft Masterplan Overview is formally presented for feedback.

Documents for consultation:

Consultation process:

  • Our Masterplan Overview draft is being published for comment on our website
  • The consultation period is from 5th July to 31st August 2024
  • Feedback comments should:
  • Be put in writing to Cattewater Harbour Commissioners at the Harbour Office address – 2, The Barbican, Plymouth, Devon PL1 2LR; or sent by email to
  • Be received before the consultation period expiry (31st August 2024) quoting reference PMO/Draft/01
  • Include who is making the comment with contact details to which replies relating to the feedback comments may be sent
  • Our draft Masterplan Overview will be updated and issued as a final first version on our website, which we hope to be able to do in September 2024. Going forward we intend to review our Masterplan Overview each year.